Jonalee Castillo » Community Service

Community Service



Who: 1st - 5th grades
What: Total of 6 hours of community service per year
Where: Home, School, and Community
When: Every year 
Why: Part of home base grades / Be a responsible and helpful citizen

Here are some ideas of what you can do:

(2 hours required)

(2 hours required)

(2 hours required)

·   Clean up around house

·   Do another family member’s chore when needed

·   Visit elderly

·   Prepare and serve a meal

·   Read to younger brother or sister

·   Take care of younger siblings

·   Help take care of elderly family members

·   Walk the dog

·   Help out with yard work


·   Help others in Homework Club or Club Del Sol

·   Participate in school fund raisers

·   Help out your teacher after school

·   Turn in uniforms or PE clothes that you have outgrown 

·   Offer to help in the office or library at lunch or after school

·   Pick up trash at lunch

·   Help keep the playground clean

·   Donate needed items to your classroom


·   Bring in Cans for Canned Food Drive

·   Adopt-A-Family in December

·   Volunteer to help a neighbor (one you know, of course)with yard work 

·   Pick up trash in the community

·   Help out at church 

·   Help out in your clubs or sports teams

·   Participate in school sponsored service events

*** Community service forms must be completed (see attached file). Teachers/staff also have forms if you need them. 

*** Forms will be logged by teacher to receive credit.