Mrs. Cheryl Estella-Santos » Mrs. Estella-Santos

Mrs. Estella-Santos

Hello! My name is Mrs. Estella-Santos. I am happy to be your child's 1st grade teacher this 2024-2025 school year.


About Me and my Education:

I was born and raised here in the San Diego. When I am not teaching, I enjoy exploring our beautiful city, hiking, and eating good food. I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies with an Emphasis in Elementary Education, my Teaching Credential, and Masters of the arts of Teaching Degree from San Diego State University. I have been with O'Farrell for many years in various capacities: a middle school student, an AVID and SPED tutor, a student teacher, RTI teacher, and now as a 1st grade teacher. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child and I am excited to have a great school year learning with your kiddo!



Things to know about our First Grade Classes:

  • Students will have English Language Arts (ELA) and math with their homebase teacher (me) every day.
  • Students will be rotating between classes each week for social studies, science, and Spanish/Technology. I will be teaching social studies, Mrs. Tinsay will be teaching science, and Mrs. Robledo-Grizzle will be teaching Spanish and Technology to all first grade students.
  • Students will have VAPA with Ms. Sanchez twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays).
  • Students will have P.E. with Coach Lohner twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays).
Homework Expectations for Students:
    • Read for at least 20 minutes and answer questions on their reading log daily
    • complete any assignment not finished during math time
    • practice their spelling and high-frequency words (tests will be given every 2 weeks)
    • practice their weekly fluency passage